
Best Forex Trading Competition 2023, EVERYONE WILL WIN!!! (StreamForex)

Best Forex Trading Competition 2023, EVERYONE WILL WIN!!!  (StreamForex)
Best Forex Trading Competition 2023, EVERYONE WILL WIN!!! (StreamForex)

Join us to take part in the best forex trading competition in 2023 with the StreamForex broker, all participants will definitely get a prize. Want to participate with this contest? Please see detailed information here, or you can continue by reading the full article below.

Total prizes for all participants:

  • 1st place get  $500.
  • 2nd place get $250.
  • 3rd place get $150.
  • Rank 4-10 get 50$.
  • Rank 11-20 get 20$.
  • Rank 21-25 get 10$.
  • Other participants get an NDB (No Deposit Bonus) of $10.

Guide to the "2023 Beginner Contest" StreamForex

  1. Open the StreamForex site below, then click REGISTER or LOGIN (My Account).
    StreamForex (.org).
    StreamForex (.net).
    StreamForex (.id).
    StreamForex (.biz).
    StreamForex (

  2. Please Login to your personal cabinet at StreamForex, Write down your registered Phone Number (USE CODE +62) & Write down your Login password. If it fails, please do a PASWORD RESERT / click FORGET PASSWORD.

  3. If successful login, you will be in the Personal Cabinet. On the Main page of Personal Cabinet you will see Trading Contest BANNER. Please click the COMPLETE text to continue participating in the StreamForex Trading Contest.


  4. Next a new page will appear and please click BUY CONTEST COUPON.

  5. After that, a new page will appear again. "PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW!".
    - To be able to take part in the Contest, please make a deposit to the SAFE ACCOUNT or you can transfer between accounts if you have sufficient balance in other accounts.
    - After the SAFE ACCOUNT is filled with your Deposit, please buy a contest Coupon by clicking BUY.
    - You can select and purchase 1 to 10 Contest Coupons for a DISCOUNT price. (You are free to have any number of Contest accounts).
    - Participated in 1 contest account Deposit 10 USD.
    - Following 3 Contest Accounts get a 20% discount, that is, it is enough to make a Deposit of 24 USD.
    - Following 5 Contest accounts gets a 25% discount, that is, it is enough to make a Deposit of 37.5 USD.
    - Following 10 Contest Accounts get a 30% discount, that is, it is enough to make a Deposit of 70 USD.

  6. Please click the ON button to activate the contest.

  7. You get your Contest Account Trading Account Number and Password, Contest account information is also sent to your Email address registered with StreamForex. Please try to log into your contest account.

  8. Please enter the Trading Contest according to the official Contest Schedule listed on the StreamForex website.


  • StreamForex Contest Information and T&C
  • Participants can have an unlimited number of contest accounts.
  • Participants can have multiple Contest Accounts at a Discounted Price.
  • The contest is followed by the whole country.
  • The Contest is available for old Clients & for new Clients (Perform Account Registration & Verification).
  • This contest applies to novice Traders and opens the opportunity for other Traders to participate.
  • Current contest rankings are available and can be viewed in RealTime on the StreamForex Website.
  • All participants who do not earn a Prize Rank are eligible for a $10 NDB Bonus Prize.


Support StreamForex Indonesia
Written by: StreamForex Indonesia.
Edited & published by: StreamForex Partner (DFX).
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